Opportunities don't wait for anyone...

It's time to achieve the success
you've always dreamed of

It's time to achieve the success you've always dreamed of

Let’s ditch the "how you think you should be" & embrace
the powerful leader you truly are.

Join me & let’s make those dreams happen—together!

Let’s ditch the "how you think you should be" & embrace
the powerful leader you truly are.

Join me & let’s make those dreams happen—together!


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"I was referred by a friend to see Rachana, best decision."​

"I was referred by a friend to see Rachana, best decision."​

"If I hadn't I would be sitting in the same job, feeling disgruntled and each passing year
a part of me would be lost."

"If I hadn't I would be sitting in the same job, feeling disgruntled and each passing year a part of me would be lost."

- Elizabeth, Client

- Elizabeth, Client

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"Rach boosted my confidence in a time when I had none and I just felt lost."

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"Rach really helped me find my path... She really made things clear for me."

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"Working with Rachana will
change your life!

"The best investment in my life to date."

"She provides clarity and insight in areas of my life I wasn't even expecting."

- Katy, Client

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"Rach boosted my confidence in a time when I had none and I just felt lost."

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"Rach really helped me find my path... She really made things clear for me."

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"Working with Rachana will
change your life!

We are simply polishing a diamond to bring out the sparkle!

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You know, you have the right career, the experience, everything it takes to make it to the top, and then some...

You know, you have the right career, the experience, everything it takes to make it to the top, and then some...

... And yet you are not getting the recognition you deserve.

  • ​You’re constantly hustling to keep up, but deep down, it feels like you’re still falling behind. You’re balancing work, family, and everything in between, yet no one seems to notice just how much you’re handling.
  • ​Are you tired of being overlooked at work? Yearning recognition that's rightfully yours?
  • ​You’ve always dreamed of rising to a leadership role, but the fear of being labeled "too bossy" or "not enough" holds you back.
  • You want to lead with grace and confidence—without falling into the trap of gender stereotypes. You’re taking on more than anyone should have to, but who are you kidding, right? What if you fail? Who can you even talk to about this without feeling judged?
  • ​The answers may feel out of reach right now, but one thing is clear: it’s time to take control of your career—and do it with poise and confidence.

Imagine leading in a way that feels authentic to YOU—without compromising who you are. Imagine breaking free from the mold, feel confident in your own skin, define your own path, and show up as the powerful leader you’ve always known you could be.

Now’s your time to lead in a way that aligns with your values—because you don’t have to lose yourself to succeed.​​​The only thing stopping you?​​​

"Having Rachana in my court was invaluable."

"She doesn't just ask you questions that get you thinking, she goes to that next level of showing
you how to utilize and make use of the knowledge."

"She doesn't just ask you questions that get you thinking, she goes to that next level of showing you how to utilize and make use of the knowledge."

- Dom, Client

"She taps into the untappable to help me become
the best version of me."

"For anyone who is at a crossroads and stuck, I highly recommend working with Rachana. "

"For anyone who is at a crossroads and stuck, I highly recommend working with Rachana. "

- Tina, Client

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"Rach boosted my confidence in a time when I had none and I just felt lost."

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"Rach really helped me find my path... She really made things clear for me."

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"Working with Rachana will
change your life!

cr8mychange polaroid png

Ahhh Control

"Reignite your purpose. Gain control. expert guidance - clarity, focus, and a meaningful journey await."

Empowered and unapologetically you! You're in charge, and it's liberating. Now, you're focused on making your mark in your own distinctive way. No more conforming to pre-defined notions of leadership – you're owning it, and it feels AMAZING because it's authentic to YOU!

You exude self-assurance, radiating calm, purpose, and direction. You're less judgmental. You've found your tribe, your people who share your vision. You are in your zone, and it feels great!

"Strength comes from knowing when to seek assistance."
- Rachana Adyanthaya, ValiantCEO Magazine.

"Strength comes from knowing when to seek assistance."
- Rachana Adyanthaya, ValiantCEO Magazine.

Hear from others just like you...





The Time Is NOw!

Don't Let The Next Five Years Be A Repeat Of The Last Five!

What do you want to see when you look in the mirror 5 years from now? You know time flies by, every day you're either growing strong, confident, self-assured and financially free, or you're losing yourself in mindless activities. 

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© 2023 CR8MYCHANGE - All rights reserved

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